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The Followers' Needs and Natural Herd Dynamics


One of the stronger more straightforward lessons that horses have to immediately teach us. Horses are animals of prey. They are herd animals that require, and respond to, strong leadership. By strong, we're not talking about dominance but rather cooperation. By understanding the needs of followers, we immediately become stronger leaders. We will explore these needs, as they relate to horses, and more importantly, to our own relationships. 


Specifically we are talking about trust-based leadership principals and techniques. So trust is a central element in this workshop. It will come as no surprise that trust begins with ourselves, and developing that trust is a primary goal of this workshop.


We will introduce and explore some of the central tenants of today's training models which like "Natural Horsemanship" move away from models of dominance, intimidation and coercion and rather adopt trust, authenticity, compassion and cooperation. This is an exceptional "team-building" workshop for groups.

Workshop Details


Groundwork with horses (non-riding) focuses on group and organizational dynamics practicing nonverbal communication with leader-follower exercises. 

A fun experience for your group with built-in take aways that can also taylor to your specific curriculum or DISC and Myers Briggs. 

Appropriate for groups of five to thirty.

Duration apx. 2 hours.

Options: Add a trail ride, BBQ, Picnic, or Hike to your outing at Will Rogers State Historic Park.

Booking one week advance suggested. Booking

Our Team Building and Leadership Development

with Equine Assisted Learning Activities,

increase Overall Emotional Intelligence, in the areas of:

  • Personal Competence

  • Self Awareness

  • Self Management

  • Social Competence

  • Social Awareness and

  • Relationship Management    (see White Paper, Why Horses?)

Making Equine Assisted Learning a "must try" for your next off-site corporate activities. 

Ranch Day

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Equine Assisted Personal and Leadership Development  

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