Off Site Team Building and Leadership Development in Los Angeles
Depending on the Venue we can provide a list of nearby accompdations.
On the upper Westside of L.A. we recommend:
The Luxe Sunset is at 405 and Sunset
Other area hotels can be found on this map,-118.4707132,13z
What Should I bring?
See the Check List Below. Bring a Notebook and Pens for note taking.
What are the physical requirements and demands?
Ranch Day is designed to be a day of active relaxation, however it is not a day at the spa.
We would list the physical demands as light to moderate. The weather will be a notable factor, as this is an outdoor day. Walking, and walking hilly terrain should also be considered.
What are the age limits?
The retreat day is open to all ages of adults, and young adults (over 18). Please let us know in advance if you are having anyone under 18 attend, as legal guardian must sign the liability waiver. Hopefully groups offer a wide range of perspectives, and insights. For teens, we offer Ranch Day Get Away.
Rider vs Non-Rider and Horse interaction
"I have never ridden a horse in my life." This may not be the day either. Come to a Ranch Day. It has nothing to do with riding.
Ranch Day is designed with the non-rider in mind. We won't be wrangling horses, or instructing on riding techniques. Riders will get plenty out of the day, but we use horses for observational and illustration purposes. Safety is our first priority. If you're not comfortable interacting with horses, that's okay, your personal comfort level is important. There will be opportunities to interact on the ground, and ulitimately, (depending on the venue) you may opt to finish your day with a trail ride as a bonus. (Book separately with the venue).
[At Westside Riding School book a trail ride here.]
Again, Ranch Day is for regular people. If you have no experience with horses, all the better. there's a lot we can learn from them.
Liability release is required for all attendees of Ranch Day Retreat
If participating at Westside Riding School:
Find it here
If you are attending at Will Rogers State Historic Park, we fire up the grills at chow time. Bring something to BBQ!!
Most of our outdoor venues do not have food services. Pack a fun picknic lunch, snacks, and drinks. Bring plenty of water. We discourage plastic water bottles, but we do recycle.
We encourage canteen or sport bottles.
There is the option in the morning to order lunch delivery from a local restaurant, and menues will be on hand. Please bring cash if you plan on lunch delivery. Lunch is picnic style, outdoors. There is a fridge and microwave in the barn if you might need it.
What to Wear?
The weather can go from chilly in the morning to hot in the afternoon, and vice versa.
So bring appropriate clothing. You can change if you need to. Shoes are a good consideration, and you may want a couple of pairs. The day will have several elements, and a comfortable pair of shoes would be nice. For any activities around the hoses, we require closed toe, preferably boots.
Ranch wear is the default, but "day at the park" is also appropriate. If you have a pair of jeans and boots and a pair of sneakers and shorts, you should be all set.
We recommend bringing along an outdoor blanket for sitting. For sunny days, we recommend bringing sunscreen.
What Are the Times?
Ranch Day is a full day from 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Please arrive early, starting at 9:45 for sign in. From 4:00 on you will have personal time. Schedule an optional trail ride. Or take off.
Get Ready for your Ranch Day!
Set cell phone rIngers to Off/Silent, not even vibrate. This is a great opportunity to get away from WIFI signals for the day. Cell service at some venues is questionable. Do not plan on making or taking phone calls except in Emergency situations. We encourage you to ditch the cell phone altogether and provide the Venue number as an Emergency Contact. Leave it with your boss, secretary, or sitter, and let them know you are unavailble for the day.
Do you know how to set up an "Out of Office" auto reply on email? Here is a tutorial!
__ Grab a duffle bag, beach bag or back pack and Check the following:
__Camera. We do encourage a camera. We know your cell phone is your camera, but if you have a real camera, this is a great day to break it out and bring it along.
__Note pad and Pen. You may want to take notes, and there may be exercises requiring some writing. If you have journal, pack it too, there may be some time to be quiet with it.
There is absolutely no need to bring a Laptop computer, at all.
Clothing: It could be cool early and hot in the later. If it rains, it rains. We will take cover the best we can. If the forecast calls for rain, bring __a rain jacket. Again, __close-toed shoes, preferably __boots and a change of __sneakers. __Jeans are great, and you may opt to bring a change to __shorts.
__A blanket to sit on or cover up with if it's chilly.
__Release forms. Both a Liability Release and a Basic Health and Fitness form are required for all Ranch Day Retreat participants. Forms will be available on-site during the morning registration or print off and sign prior to arrival. (
__ A good attitude, an open mind, and the willingness to slow down and let go for the day...
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do
with the time we have rushed through life trying to save. ~Will Rogers
See you on the ranch!!
What is Ranch Day About?
Obviously everyone will get something different out of the day. The primary goal is to get away from it all for the day. Spend the day in nature around horses, recharge and refocus.
Ranch Day offers a wide curriculum in a workshop setting. Above all, it's a day of personal development and self-renewal designed to have lasting impact as we go back into our lives with the direction, eneregy, and persistence needed for greater achievement, personally as well as professionally. Ranch Day is a full day, check out Short Days for two-hour programs.
What should I expect to get out of Ranch Day?
Again, everyone will get something different out of the day.
Do you want to take time out to re-evaluate and set goals (personally or professionally)?
Do you want to spend a day in nature and give the concrete jungle a break?
Do you want to become a better creative, or get back in touch with your creativity?
Do you want to develop your communication skills of listening and presenting ideas?
Do you want to develop your leadership skills, at home or at work or socially?
Do you want to develop patience? Manage stress? Feel connected? Feel empowered?
Do you wan to create more balance and harmony in your life?
Do you want to feel centered emotionally, and personally competent and confident?
Do you want to build and foster trust in your relationships, and with yourself?
The big question is...
Do you want to take the day off and play around with some horses for the afternoon?
Physical and Mental Relaxation,Goal Setting,Visualization,
Non-VerbalCommunication, Leadership, Work Ethic, and more...
With all of our programs at Ranch Day, we expect participants to gain from specific exercises with horses (our Equine Assisted Learning) in the areas of:
Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management.
If your're interested, or curious about "Why Horses?" you can read more here.
Is Ranch Day just for business?
No. We do host private business groups and associations, in addition to Open Dates.
Good businesses will invest in developing people and fostering sound decision-making, relationship management, and leadership practices. From a Human Resource standpoint, there is no question that a Ranch Day will improve personnel. Indeed the materials are strong enough to satisfy corporations with the highest training and development standards. We do expect business groups to get a return on this investment, no question. But Ranch Day is not about businesses. It's about People. Above all, Ranch Day is meant to be a "Personal Day".
For questions call Ranch Day at 310-890-5428
or email
You're going to get a lot out of this day, starting with a great day in nature surrounded by horses.
If you're considering registering for A Ranch Day, please familiarize yourself with the FAQs here. Call, or email us with any additional questions...